
In de prachtige gestylede film-noir animatiefilm Sleep Walk door Mark Szumski and Gina Niespodziani aka Hey Beautiful Jerk worden we meegenomen naar het einde der tijden in een stad waar een zwart gat de wereld opzuigt. Het zijn de laatste momenten van een onheilsprofeet die zijn grote drama herbeleefd. Een waanzinnige trip met een heerlijk muziekje!


TED werkt samen met animator Andrew Park om Denis Dutton’s provocatieve schoonheidstheorie – dat kunst, muziek en andere mooie dingen, ver van alleen maar te zitten “in het oog van de toeschouwer”, een essentieel onderdeel zijn van de menselijke natuur met diepe evolutionaire wortels.[bron:TED]


Hi Frank,
Adam Wells here. You recently did a like on my first short film ‘ Brave New Old ’ . I truly hope you enjoyed it – these things really are a labour of love and watching people enjoy them is incredibly gratifying to me, as I work purely in my own time.
I am very grateful for your vimeo like, these really help spread the word through the network – But Id like to build a wider audience so I can hopefully build more work. So I am appealing to you to help me spread the message a little. Through your blogs or any other channels you can think off (send me a messege if you have any great ideas)
My facebook page can be found here;
facebook.com/animationsadamwells – by likeing the page, and the content I put out through it, I hope my work can spread a little. This is not going to be a dead page, I am going to post new work up here as often as I can (starting with a 2 minute side project on brave new old in a week or so). As well as a few details on my Big project thats entering festivals.
Oh and just tell people about it in the real world.
I find the vimeo community really great and very responsive, so hopefully this message wont annoy you too much, even if it does not interest you.
All the best.

Hi Adam,

I just put your most intriguing film on my blog: https://sirlovalot.wordpress.com/

I was just wondering what were you thinking when you made the intro…the toiletscene with spanking robots and a celloplayer coming out of a closet? it’s hilarious…a great salute for that, thank you!

all the best to you too, Adam
and thank you for sharing your work!
